If you feel like you have issues around receiving money and abundance you probably have energetic blocks
The energy and idea around money is introduced to us at a young age and it is common for us to be taught that it is difficult to make money, keep money and manage money
Using The Emotion and Body Code:
- Delete negative emotional charge around money
- Release subconscious blocks we have created that tell us it is difficult aquiring abundance and money
- Remove curses and sabotaging energies that are not yours blocking the ability to receive and create abundance and money
- Allow the ability to receive abundance and money by releasing subconscious beliefs
- Address root cause issues of negative beliefs around worthiness of receiving money
If you are one of these people who feel you are definitely cursed or there is an imbalance with receiving abundance and money it is your best bet to release these negative energies trapped in your subconscious
If you feel like you have issues around receiving money and abundance you probably have energetic blocks
The energy and idea around money is introduced to us at a young age and it is common for us to be taught that it is difficult to make money, keep money and manage money
Using The Emotion and Body Code:
- Delete negative emotional charge around money
- Release subconscious blocks we have created that tell us it is difficult aquiring abundance and money
- Remove curses and sabotaging energies that are not yours blocking the ability to receive and create abundance and money
- Allow the ability to receive abundance and money by releasing subconscious beliefs
- Address root cause issues of negative beliefs around worthiness of receiving money
If you are one of these people who feel you are definitely cursed or there is an imbalance with receiving abundance and money it is your best bet to release these negative energies trapped in your subconscious
Email Session
Energy session will be completed within 72 hours of booking.
Your healing session will be completed via Energy connection only, not via video or phone call
A full report of healing session detailing a list of energies and emotions that has been released, will be sent via email shortly after the session has been completed
A follow up voice recording of your session will be sent and any questions around the session can be asked via message
Follow up energy sessions can be completed when the subconscious indicates processing time has been completed usually between 4-7 days
- Guaranteed Safe Checkout
Video call session
Your healing sessions will be conducted in real time live, during a Video conference call or via Facetime or phone.
Imbalances, events and ages that are discovered, can be discussed and confirmed. *Note: if you don't wish to discuss the imbalances you do not need to in order for the healing to be successful.
Any questions you have can be discussed in real time
Follow up healing sessions to be completed when the subconscious indicates processing time will have been completed and when there is availability in The Healing Code Solution's calendar schedule.
- Guaranteed Safe Checkout
You Have Nothing To Lose But Emotional Baggage!
Want to know how it works? Let us release 2 of the biggest emotional energies that are affecting your problem right now, completely free of charge.
The answers from your subconscious, will be emailed to you. Please allow 24 – 48 hours.
Your subconscious will thank you!
The Process
The initial consultation with you will cover what symptoms you are experiencing and give you an indication of how many sessions you may need. Here we give you the process of a typical session.
1. Discover root cause
of the symptom
I connect to your subconscious and identify emotions and energies that is causing you to experience your symptom using muscle testing. Our muscles act like a lie detector, they flex when something true is said, and is weak when something false is said.
2. Acknowledge the energy and process it
Once we find the energy we must get permission by the subconscious to release it. There may be a need to know the age or event, or find underlying energetic imbalances before the subconscious allows release
3. Release
Once the energy is discovered acknowledged and processed we release the energy. I send the command to release through the Governing meridian which sends the command to the rest of the energy systems. We continue to identify, process and release until your body goes into processing mode
4. Processing Time
As soon as we start releasing energy your body goes into processing mode. Once enough energy is released that the body cannot release anymore, your body will stop releasing to allow healing
5. Feel lighter and happier
Once the energies have been released experience life without the density of your emotional past baggage. The physical symptom may feel less intense or completely heal entirely because the energies blocking healing is no longer there.
The Process
The initial consultation with you will cover what symptoms you are experiencing and give you an indication of how many sessions you may need. Here we give you the process of a typical session.
1. Discover root cause
of the symptom
I connect to your subconscious and identify emotions and energies that is causing you to experience your symptom using muscle testing. Our muscles act like a lie detector, they flex when something true is said, and is weak when something false is said.
2. Acknowledge the energy and process it
Once we find the energy we must get permission by the subconscious to release it. There may be a need to know the age or event, or find underlying energetic imbalances before the subconscious allows release
3. Release
Once the energy is discovered acknowledged and processed we release the energy. I send the command to release through the Governing meridian which sends the command to the rest of the energy systems. We continue to identify, process and release until your body goes into processing mode
4. Processing Time
As soon as we start releasing energy your body goes into processing mode. Once enough energy is released that the body cannot release anymore, your body will stop releasing to allow healing
5. Feel lighter and happier
Once the energies have been released experience life without the density of your emotional past baggage. The physical symptom may feel less intense or completely heal entirely because the energies blocking healing is no longer there.